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Monday, January 23, 2012

Home Stay Students

Do you live in a home with an unoccupied bedroom or two? If you answered yes then you might consider hosting home stay students. This concept involves providing room and board for out of town students who are attending a school close to you. Some of these students could be from out of province to even from out of country.

You can find students through homestay agencies found on the Internet or yellow pages. But a great place to find students is by posting a flyer in local colleges and universities. Besides giving students a cheaper price than living in dorms the student gets to meet people of local culture which is often what overseas students want.

Pricing you can charge is between $600 to $800 per month. The price range is there depending on how many meals you supply per day. Often times students only require a home cooked dinner meal. For them breakfast can be a meal they make themselves and lunch can be bagged. Either way all you supply is the food. Even after expenses you should be able to keep 60-80% of what you charge.

Since students usually attend school by the semester system you won't be busy with them all year long. This 8 month commitment gives you a break plus a decent extra income.

1 comment:

  1. Well I am thinking about doing this. We have a couple of spare rooms.

    I just dont know what kind of food they will like. So I guess I have to wait and see what kind of homestay student I get.
